Centrophenoxine, what is it?

Centrophenoxine is an ester of DMAE and pCPA, and is used for its neuroprotective properties as well as its abilities to enhance memory formation. It’s by the reduction of lipofuscin, a build up of Potassium that causes brain cells to be less efficient and die, that Centrophenoxine gains its neuroprotective qualities.

Centrophenoxine is a cholinergic compound that contains DMAE, and is lipid soluble. Centrophenoxine increases the uptake of oxygen and glucose uptake in the brain. Through the increase of glucose uptake, Centrophenoxine helps in rectifying the damage done to the brain from aging. The brain uses 20 percent of the body’s oxygen, if the oxygen levels become deficient the brain loses efficiency. By increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain Centrophenoxine helps increase the productiveness of the brain all around.

Centrophenoxine does not just help improve the memory, but also aids in protecting memory and reversing the effects of aging on the brain. Centrophenoxine increases RNA which are used by neurons to create protein which is used to encode memory and mend damaged cells in the brain.

One study showed that Centrophenoxine showed an increase in acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain stem in aged rats. It was concluded through this study, that the increase of acetylcholinesterase activity could be implicated in the reversal of neuro-degradation due to aging effects. Indian J Exp Biol. 1995 May;33(5):365-8. Centrophenoxine activates acetylcholinesterase activity in hippocampus of aged rats.

In a double-blind study showed that Centrophenoxine improved the cognitive performance of patients suffering from senile dementia. It was also shown to significantly reduce the deterioration index in the subjects of the test. The study was conducted over a 3 month period, and the 63 subjects were given either Centrophenoxine, and Antagonic-Stress. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 1994;19 Suppl 1:197-206.
Antagonic-stress superiority versus meclofenoxate in gerontopsychiatry (alzheimer type dementia).

Centrophenoxine was shown to be a conceivable treatment in patients suffering from medium level Dementia in a double blind study conducted in 1989 on 50 residents in an old age home. The study was over a 3 month period, and showed that 48% of the subjects experienced an improvement in cognition when taking Centrophenoxine versus the placebo which only yeilded 28% of the group demonstrating improvement. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 1989 Jul;9(1):17-30.
Gerontopsychological studies using NAI (‘Nürnberger Alters-Inventar’) on patients with organic psychosyndrome (DSM III, Category 1) treated with centrophenoxine in a double blind, comparative, randomized clinical trial.

Centrophenoxine Dosage

The recommended Centrophenoxine dosage is usually 250-500 mg per day, taken in two 250 mg doses, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is sold in both tablet and powder form, generally of 250 mg or 500 mg each.

Does Centrophenoxine Work?

Due to Centrophenoxine’s abilities to help in the regeneration and repairing of brain cells it is considered an vibrantly important drug in treatments concerning Senile Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

There are still many variables though that have to be looked at with improving cognitive abilities. As a result, it is very hard to determine just how effective Centrophenoxine would be for a specific person. It all comes down to their own needs and current cognitive ability as well as lifestyle choices.